Over 3 500 people visited the events of the Night of Science – the recordings increase the views of the online events until the end of the month
The Night of Science was celebrated on the Thursday 25th of January 2024 in Helsinki. Over 3 500 people visited the events on site. The online events gathered almost 2 000 views during the evening. Some of the online events are available as recordings until the end of the month.
The most popular events of the Night of Science were Tieteiden talon Tieteiden yö (The Night of Science at the House of Science and Letters), Solar storms and us and Volcanoes, earthquakes, early humans, and false information. Mitä olet aina halunnut tietää varhaiskasvatuksesta? (What have you always wanted to know about the early childhood education?) had the most participants online.
The program of the Night of Science 2024 was made in cooperation with more than 70 scientific and cultural actors. The event was part of The Year of Sivistys 2024.
The Night of Science is organized annually: every other year as an independent event and every other year on the same week as the Science Forum (Tieteen päivät). The first Night of Science was organized in 2003. The Night of Science is coordinated by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and funded by the Kone Foundation.
Photo: Anne Haapanen